50 Years of Improving Lives & Inspiring Hope
For over 50 years, PathWays has provided quality and innovative services to the community and now brings life long fulfillment to over 1600 families in Southwestern Pennsylvania. View our interactive timeline to learn more about how we grew into the wide-reaching company we are today.
- 1962
- Local parents and community professionals formed an information & referral service committee. Two employees on West Wheeling St. Washington, PA.
- 1964
- Chartered as United Cerebral Palsy of Washington County.
- 1967
- Became United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Southwestern Pennsylvania and expanded to include Washington, Greene, & Fayette Counties. Started the Children’s Program in Washington, PA.
- 1991
- Opened new facility in Washington, PA. Relocated Early Intervention and Adult Day Program. Served 300 children and adults.
- 1992
- Rainbow’s End Learning Center affiliate opened in Washington, PA. Elks Home Service established office. Attendant Care office opened in Uniontown, PA.
- 1995
- Opened 2nd Residential Program group home.
- 1998
- UCP Home & Community Services affiliate opened. Independent Living established.
- 2000
- Rainbow’s End Learning Center affiliate opened in Waynesburg, PA. Opened two Independent Living accessible homes. Community Living established to construct additional accessible homes.
- 2001
- Exceptional Choices community service program started.
- 2003
- Opened Adult Training Facility in Waynesburg.
- 2006
- Everyday Living established to construct three accessible group homes, opening two homes in Washington and Greene Counties.
- 2007
- Your Child’s Place pediatric care center and Recreation Station creative play center opened in Washington, PA. Opened accessible home in Washington County.
- 2009
- Became PathWays of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
- 2011
- Early Intervention services started in Fayette County. Agency With Choice program started, eventually expanding to Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence Washington, and Westmoreland counties.
- 2013
- Residential Program office opened in Washington, PA.
- 2014
- 50th Anniversary. Early Intervention services started in Westmoreland County.
- Today
- Over 750 employees serving more than 1600 families throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania.