Coronavirus Preparedness


At PathWays, the health and well-being of our staff and the individuals we serve is our highest priority. We have implemented appropriate measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 and we have a dedicated, fully mobilized response team in place, who are taking guidance from the CDC, PA Health, and ODP during this challenging time. We are required to strictly comply with the rules communicated by these agencies.

The following is the current situation in relation to each of our programs:

  • Our Adult Training Facilities in Washington and Waynesburg first reopened to individuals on July 20, 2020. Both facilities shut down beginning in November but have reopened as of March 15, 2021.
  • Agency With Choice and our Residential Services are both operating, with extra safety precautions in place and a process of monitoring staff, individuals, and visitors for illness.
  • Through Early Intervention, we have initiated tele-therapy for the families who are interested. The continuation of Early Intervention is important in order for families feel supported and less isolated.
  • Our Rainbow's End Learning Centers in Washington and Waynesburg reopened to all families as of May 18, 2020, with additional safety measures in place based on CDC guidelines. This comes following Governor Tom Wolf's announcement that Washington and Greene County would be moving into the yellow phase of reopening effective May 15, 2020.
  • Your Child's Place reopened to all families as of June 8, 2020, following Washington County's transition to the green phase. We are closely following the guidelines for childcare providers laid out by the CDC and the Department of Health.

We are committed to supporting our staff, individuals, and our community during this time of uncertainty and anxiety. Below we have compiled a list of helpful resources in addition to communications that have gone out to our programs.

During such challenging times, PathWays remains dedicated to our mission of life long fulfillment for every individual that we serve throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania. Please check back frequently for updates on the COVID-19 situation.


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